Art Therapy for participants and art-based Supervision for psychosocial support workers.

You can find out if you’re eligible for NDIS and how to apply via the NDIS website.

For NDIS self/plan managed participants with capacity building funding for counselling and other therapies can take advantage of the benefits of art therapy or bushwalking counselling.

Home visits are convenient for people who have mobility or transport issues, and all art materials are provided, however, I have studios in two locations, one in Katoomba and the other in Blaxland.

All walks are based on mobility and fitness, and a pick up and drop off service is available.



Supervision is an important part of support work for professional development and self-care. Group supervision is also a great way to create colleagues when working independently. All therapists are required to do supervision as part of their registration, and I think support workers would thrive with the same opportunity.

Supervision in groups can be more beneficial than individual sessions, as peers can share experiences with the guidance of a supervisor, and it makes supervision affordable- meaning you CAN attend a monthly session and network with other support workers.

Working with psychosocial clients is challenging and I promote a non-social work approach to support. Group Supervision will be aimed at helping you become confident to hold space, and advocate for your client, while keeping your own mental and physical health in check.

I will offer therapeutic art making as part of the supervision, as this is my practise and approach, and I will provide the materials. An opportunity to try cartooning for expression will be optional too, as this is my research area which you can read about in the JOURNALS section, with a link to my peer-reviewed article.



“There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.”

Edith Wharton (1862-1937)